Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Reason That Your Last 5 Diets Didn't Work...

Have you tried and failed at least 3-5 diets in the past year? Are you tired of the same old weight loss lies? It's almost become the norm for you to be disappointed with weight loss products hasn't it?

Don't worry. The reason your last 5 diets didn't help you lose weight is because they didn't use a hidden weight loss secret coveted by the highest paying hollywood clientele. A secret so carefully hidden that it only travels within the inner circles of the BEST personal trainers in the world.

We are talking about THE ACTUAL SECRET TO FAT LOSS!

Have you ever wondered why some skinny people can eat meal after meal of what seems to be the same exact food you are eating and NEVER GAIN AN OUNCE OF FAT?

FACT: These people are using THE SECRET 2 FAT LOSS without even knowing it. Additionally, there are using it WRONG and still continue to burn fat like a nuclear reactor!!!

So you see, since the mainstream diets do not discuss or even hint at the secret to fat loss, it is really impossible for them to work.

These "old school", "dinosaur diets" make great table talk and everyone loves to hear about your latest low carb barbeque dish, however, you and I both know that they don't work worth a lick.

While the book stores are stacked with thousands of pages of worthless weight loss commentary, there is a little known secret (not for long) that has been brewing in the mind of a rogue personal trainer. Why not tell a few select individuals about this weight loss secret...why not talk about The Secret 2 Fat Loss?

Are tired of the pills, patches, and teas that claim to deliver results when they really don't?

Some of the weight loss programs and solutions you have tried are so far from the truth they were basically DESIGNED TO MAKE YOU FAT!!!

--> This is why your last 5 diets didn't work

In fact, most diets that you see advertised on T.V. aren't formulated by personal trainers, nutritionists, or physicians! They are literally conjured together by investors seeking to scam you out of your hard earned money!

These individuals love selling you worthless "solutions" to your diet needs, but if they actually worked, why would they need to come up with more and more diet plans?

So, if your past dieting attempts have been unsuccessful, don't worry. You didn't fail... your diet failed!

Seriously, if you gave the diet an honest attempt and didn't see results it's really not your fault!

Now, this secret we have been talking about is the most effective fat burning method to ever be used for weight loss. A method so powerful that some people have to stop the diet for a few days at a time because they are LOSING WEIGHT TOO QUICKLY.

So now you have a very big decision to make. You could continue searching the internet for B.S. weight loss solution that don't work, or you could learn the secret method we are beginning to discuss and never be overweight again...

To begin losing weight fast we recommend using The Secret 2 Fat Loss because it does not require you to waste time counting calories, and it doesn't require you to get fattening frozen foods delivered to your house (it is one of the only diets in the world that enables you to lose weight without worthless, ineffective weight loss methods).

You can begin this new diet right here.

Discover The Reason Why Your Last 5 Diets Failed.

Why Calorie Counting Doesn’t Work for Weight Loss...

Did you know that calorie counting has nothing to do with weight loss or burning fat? That's right, we just said that calorie counting will not cause you to lose weight or burn fat. Are you surprised?

While most dieters try to lose weight through calorie restriction, any results obtained from this method of dieting are short-lived at best. You have probably experienced the yo-yo diet cycle yourself.

You cut calories and lose a little weight only to gain back more than you originally started with.

Why in the world does this happen? You were seeing success, and then out of nowhere, the weight crept back on your frame. Is there a better solution? How can you lose more body fat if not through restricting calories?

Firstly, the reason why the results from calorie restriction are short lived is because consistent calorie restriction programs your body to store more fat! That's right, you are essentially committing "metabolism murder" when you cut calories from your diet. Your body senses that food will not be available in the near future and begins slowing down your metabolism to match the calorie restriction.

What's more, is that after you go back to your normal calorie intake your body is still stuck at that super slow fat-burning metabolism. You can guess what happens next right?

You got it. Your body will end up gaining more weight than you originally started with because your normal calorie intake has been met with a rediculously slow metabolism.

Now. You have to ask yourself, "Is there a better way to lose weight?". After all, isn't that why you came to this site?

Truth is, there is a much better way to lose weight than putting yourself on a "starvation diet".

While the various weight loss surgeries out there still push calorie reduction by all means necessary, more people fail with this method of dieting than any other method. Calorie counting just doesn't work!

They fail for many reasons. Beyond the "metabolism murder" that occurs, there is also a lot of pain involved with starvation. While you may feel that you are accomplishing something by reducing the amount of food you eat, your body is just aching to break down and go on a binge at the first available opportunity.

Your once strong motivation now crumbles and you are out on a binge looking to cram anything with calories into your mouth, especially high calorie foods like cookies and ice cream.

Another reason why calorie reduction fails is because many people believe that they can eat the same foods as they are currently eating and just reduce the amount of what they eat. This couldn't be further from the truth!

You see, there is a little known secret to fat loss that celebrities and certain models know about. The secret is that there are certain foods out there that literally make your body lose fat, and there are other foods that make it store fat. It's that simple.

Right now, you are either losing body fat or gaining body fat. There is no such thing as maintaining your body fat levels.

Think about this the next time you get ambitious to lose weight and you begin to deprive your body of food in the process. Realize that this wil only cause your body to gain more bodyfat and slow your metabolism in the future.

Even if you are a very motivated person going on a starvation diet, you cannot receive long lasting results.

Since you are programming your metabolism to burn less and less calories the more you reduce them in your diet, you will always end up with a slow, fat-gaining metabolism.

The weight loss you achieve through these methods will not change the way you look or your dress size.

Why is this true?

This is true because most of the weight lost during your calorie reducing, “starvation diet” is just water weight, and not fat loss.

Also any “water weight” lost during a starvation diet will be gained back immediately when you stop your calorie reduction and start eating normally again.

Let's look at a real life example...

For example, let’s say that you normally eat about 2,500 calories per day

.....But then you decide that you want to starve yourself into weight loss -- so you torture yourself into eating only 1,000 calories per day.

Guess what happens?

Even though you’re eating 1,500 fewer calories per day your body will begin burning the equivalent of 1,500 fewer calories per day. Essentially, your weight will remain the same even though you’re eating 1,500 fewer calories per day.

All of a sudden you notice that the scale is no longer decreasing in weight and you have hit a “weight loss plateau.”

This is one of the most frustrating weight loss experiences you could ever have, but there is a secret way to completely avoid it.

Your past weight loss failures are due to a very simple process. You have been lied to by the “gurus” of weight loss.

The truth is that “permanent” weight loss can never be achieved by starvation dieting.

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved by giving your body the right types of calories at the correct times each day, which is something that we talk about below in our amazing and effective diet...

To begin losing weight fast we recommend using The Secret 2 Fat Loss because it does not require you to count calories (it is one of the only diets in the world that enables you to lose weight without counting calories!).

The Secret 2 Fat Loss